GlobE Network

The GlobE Network is a rapidly expanding global community of practitioners dedicated to countering corruption. It facilitates transnational cooperation in corruption cases. The Network members connect and collaborate directly to further cases. With partners, the Network strives for effective and efficient transnational cooperation between practitioners worldwide.

Corruption is a complex issue that crosses national borders, making it difficult for individual countries to combat it effectively on their own. By facilitating international cooperation between practitioners in cases, and the sharing of knowledge and resources, the GlobE Network aims to strengthen the global response to corruption by enabling law enforcement authorities to detect, investigate and prosecute cross-border corruption offences.


Timely and efficient transnational cooperation against corruption

Established in 2021, the GlobE Network welcomes anti-corruption law enforcement authorities from all UN Member States and States parties to the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Governed by its members, the Network is supported by the United Nations Office against Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which provides the Network’s secretariat.

UN Member States with GlobE membership

Member States with GlobE member authorities in blue

Map showing GlobE Network member countries

Tools & Services

The GlobE Network offers services and tools for effective and efficient transnational cooperation on corruption cases.

Latest news

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Latest to join: Ministry of Justice of Niger ............................................. .....................................

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The GlobE Network publishes its Biennial Report 2023/24 .................................................

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The GlobE Network gears up for the next chapter ..............................................................

GlobE Newsletter

Stay informed on anti-corruption international cooperation news and GlobE Network related activities and milestones through the GlobE Update newsletter:


Keep in touch

In person
Visit us at UNODC Headquarters in Vienna, Austria.

Social media
Follow us on X: @UNODC and @UNODC_AC.

Use our hashtag #GlobENetwork to join the conversation.

Do you have questions or are you in need of assistance? Our team is happy to support you: